Ronald Greeley Center for Planetary Studies This link will take you directly to the downloadable poster page, there is a lot more to explore on this website.
NightSkyGazing This website helps people to get into amateur astronomy. It describes easy targets for observations, explains telescope types and characteristics, and helps to make first steps in astrophotography.
The Role of Data Science in Astronomy and Interstellar Exploration This article will examine how important data science is in space technology and how it’s changing our journey into space. We’ll cover how data science is making our space missions smarter and helping us solve the mysteries of space.
Introduction to Amateur Astronomy This page lists a 5 part video series presented by the Kalamazoo Astronomical Society (KAS).
44 Closest Stars 44 closet Stars and how they compare to our sun.
NASA An all encompassing site covering NASA missions, Gallery of images, NASA TV, Links for following NASA’s activities, variety of downloads and educational material for students ranging from Kindergarten to Colleges.
Arizona Science Center Discover the world of science and imagination at Arizona Science Center. Whether you’re visiting the area or you call Phoenix home, we have something for everyone in the family to enjoy.
Astronomy Magazine The Astronomy Magazine website, besides talking about issues of the magazine, offers the latest astronomy news and material to explore the science of space, from the astrophysics of stars to the ultimate fate of the universe; material for observing events such as eclipses, meteor showers, comets, conjunctions, and more; and human and robotic missions that are helping humanity explore our solar system and beyond.
Sky & Telescope Sky and Telescope website covers astronomyand observing news, offer various guides and tools to aid for astronomers including guides for oberving, choosing equipment and where to look “tonight”. The magazine also supports a number of astronomy communities and their events.
Cloudy Nights Cloudy Nights is an online astronomy community supporting discussion on almost every topic under the sun where members ca npose problems and offer solutions, offer reviews, post images and also a vibrnt classified areas to support buyng and selling of astronomy gear between the members.
The Night Sky – Hooray for Mr. Messier Video Darrell Heath of the UALR College of Arts, Letters, and Sciences takes a step back in time to profile Charles Messier, a renowned astronomer who has many comet discoveries credited to his name.
A Student’s Guide to Solar and Lunar Eclipses Solar Power Education Link
The Sun and Earth Relationship: What Causes Seasons? Solar Power Education Link
Astronomy Resources for Kids (AAA State Of Play) Links to other links to resources for kids on this commercial educational site.
Astronomy Games Astronomy: Computer Software games for kids
All About Famous Astronaut Neil Armstrong(For Kids) Writeup on Armstrong and links to various information about Armstrong on this Halloween Costume site.
Amatuer Radio Astronomy Presentation by Dr. Alex Vrenios to WVAC in October 2019.
Sleeping Under the Stars: A Beginner’s Guide to Stargazing and Astrophotography
The 88 Constellations and Their Brightest Stars