ASU Center for Meteorite Studies

Due to the cancelation of our speaker (Who will return in April) the club watch Smithsonian Great Courses: Two of Jupiter’s moons, Europa and Enceladus.
International Observe the Moon Night – Peoria Public Library at Centennial Plaza
Telescopes provided by the West Valley Astronomy Club
On the Centennial Plaza just Southeast of the Peoria Library
Saturday, September 14 – 6:30 – 8:30 pm
This event is open to the public and guests of the library (registration required).
Join us for this fun event!
For more information and to register for the event visit: Peoria Library Website
International Observe the Moon Night is a time to come together with fellow Moon enthusiasts and curious people worldwide. Everyone on Earth is invited to learn about lunar science and exploration, take part in celestial observations, and honor cultural and personal connections to the Moon.
Official NASA website: https://moon.nasa.gov/observe-the-moon-night/about/overview/
Download the NASA International Observe the Moon Night Flyer: NASA Download
International Observe the Moon Night – Surprise Asante Public Library
Telescopes provided by the West Valley Astronomy Club
Saturday, September 14 – 6:30 – 8:30 pm
More information is available on the City of Surprise Events calendar: Surprise Asante Library
Host: Bambi Shelby
On the plaza on the North side of the library entrance
This event is open to guests of the library and the public
Join us for this fun event!
International Observe the Moon Night is a time to come together with fellow Moon enthusiasts and curious people worldwide. Everyone on Earth is invited to learn about lunar science and exploration, take part in celestial observations, and honor cultural and personal connections to the Moon.
Official NASA website: https://moon.nasa.gov/observe-the-moon-night/about/overview/
Download the NASA International Observe the Moon Night Flyer: NASA Download
Speaker: Steve Bradshaw (EVAC President)
Topic: Lagrange Points
Abstract: The presentation covers what the Lagrange points are, the problem they solve for us, how they operate (graphically in pictures, and using some really basic and illustrated math too), and provide examples of current and past usage of Lagrange points.
Bio: Steve is the current president of EVAC and volunteers for outreach events. Steve is a retired IT instructor and course developer. This is Steve’s second presentation to our club.
Normal Format:
5:30 Astro Imaging Meeting
7:00 General Meeting
Meeting Room: Agave (down the hall from the old meeting room)